Defining my beliefs.
Jag har ingen aning om var han kom ifrån eller varför jag verkade vara ett lämpligt target i hans ögon.
Men han ploppade upp på min facebook och försökte övertyga mig. Men konsten att övertyga en Steffe är det få som behärskar xD
return back to your creator instead
Sheldon Cooper
What, haha? 17 av dina 44 vänner är gemensamma men jag vet inte vem du är haha?
I'll return to my creator the moment I'm done with this world.
when you will be done with this world you will not have time to return back to your creator.then its like you live for nothing, for no reason, just lived for life, eating, drinking, and so on...did you ever ask yourself why you are created, and who created you. don't you see around you, all these creatures ! the moon, the sun, the sky, the sea, the stars, everything is well built and well orgnized, don't you look at your body how is built, look at your heart, at your ears, god gave you everything to think with, to feel with, to worship him thank him in the way he wants ! by the way my name is (Random)
Sheldon Cooper
I have no moral obligation to obey or worship any God. I am my own and share myself with who ever I want :p Just the same way that I'll never own my offspring. Do you realize how history has twisted religion? If there once were a true religion it's been lost since long. Every religion that has been central to a culture is more or less perverted since it's been in a position of power. Amongst men there will always be those who exploit it, twisting it to make it fit their use. And if there is a God, did he create us just to worship him? Think of it, infinite power, he could do anything and this is what he made? Trees, grass, mindless creatures and as the cherry on top we have man. The only being obligated to worship? And why the worshiping shit? Severe narcissism or what? No really, if there is a God I'll put my money on that he'd be proud of me being as much as I can of a good man. Besides... If there is a God, he obviosly lost grip of Sweden, still Sweden is a top ranked place to live. How's that?
so you created yourself or maybe you came from nothing? you are telling me that the body is mooving because you got blood on it? or because there is a soul on it? so who created you and who created soul? you can share yourself with anybody you want, because when you die the people you shared with them wouldnt be able to give you life again. you are here so you exist, so you are a new creature, that has been created for a reason. god created a lots of things that you see and that you did not see. look at sun! how far it is from here? millions of years, but we still got its light, otherwise we would die who sent its light to us and why, dont say the sun is having a brain and the sun realize that we need its light so it sent us its lights..that is not who made the sun do it and why? so think about...
Sheldon Cooper
Did I once say that God does not exist? And you take the suns light as an example of God existance since we need the light... What about all the countless other suns, who need them? By the way, it takes about 8 minutes for the light to travel from the sun to the earth. So tell me, what is your reason to exist? Yes, my body is funktioning because there is blood in it. How this fact is a legit proof of Gods existance is beyond me. What's annoying about you convinced people is that you're ignorant when you proclaim your theory as the only truth and neglect every other theory. Most of them are possible with different degree of plausability but you consequently fail to aknowledge anything but your own beliefs. I aknowledge the possibility of an existing God, but to state it as a fact and then try to convince others is disrespectful and plain stupid.
I live my life to the fullest and care about others and I try to diminish every negative thaught and behavior. I do not need another life, I'm not greedy and I wouldn't go against my values to serve my interests.
If God does exist and this isn't enough, then fuck God cause I'm good the way I am.
i took this example for you otherwise there are alots of examples that would shows you the truth. well if you don't say that god doesnt exist that means he exist, that means, he is the one who created you and me and all the creatures, when you make something like a care you make it for a reason, not just like that, god made us for a reason not just eat and drink and fuck like animals. what is that you like about your daily life? smoking? drinking? dancing? walking in the street with ur friends or dreaming about a new car? is that what you call life? well i would like to have this life forever if its the only thing i expect from being alive ! the prob is that i wouldnt be here forever, and i will die one day and i lived once, but i couldnt understand why i l ived i just spent my time and money the way i want but i was still having faith in you think its reasonable to just live and die without even know why you lived, so god is not wise, he just created you to enjoy your life with the way you like ? i will not say much, i just want to say wouldl you be more thinker than inshtayn that says: i did not get any benifit from all the kwnoledge i have but only one benifit, its that i know this univers has been created by a wise god. and this univers has certainly a god. so if you know that you have a god then you should look after what he wants from you via his messengers.
Sheldon Cooper
I didn't say that God exists. You jump to conclusions from insufficient facts. That behaviour is also reflected in your example of proof of Gods existance. Another highly possible theory is that mankind have problems concerning handeling our mortality so we invent convenient pseudosolutions. More so, mankind is vain, wanting to exagurate its own importance and from that we also incorporate a "purpose of life" into our invented solution. Tell me, does ants go to heaven? Why would my life be any more significant? The model of most religions doesn't include animals because our problem with mortality and purpose derives from awareness and consciouns. Why do you need a purpose?
Why do God care if we believe or not? Does he need us?
I don't dream about anything. My life's fine the way it is. I'm fine the way I am and when it comes to an end I'll accept it. I don't need to believe to make my life rich. To live for ever is one of the worst things I can imagine and if eternal life is what a God have in mind for me then he's just cruel. In that case I don't even want to believe.
And to prevent you from further irrational conclusions. I say that it's possible that God exist. That doesn't mean that he actually exist. Example: it's possible that I'll win a million at the lottery tomorrow. This doesn't mean that I will win tomorrow.
you use much more complicated words than me, but my words are more simple, but i hope i can describe my view to you. god doesnt need to see someone worshiping him, we need to do it because we need him everyday, he created everything and you cant say that you created yourself or you came from nothing, so a god created you. so there is certainly a god that created us and wants something from us , something that he doesnt need, becaus he created our body that will do things that have been told by god himself, like praying which contains movments with hand and reading dvine word during the prayer, god created our body as it is so we can speak and pray ect... so he doesnt need what he created, you need something when you dont have it, but god created everything so he needs nothing, but we need everything, and the things we need are also created by god, and the things we make ( cars..ect are made by products= those products are created by allah, like oil, metal ect.. and you cant make anything if you dont have a brain, and god created a brian in our body so we can think, and make things that would be usuful for our life, but what should we do if god make everything easy for us? first created us , gave us everything, so we should thank him, but in the way he wants, god sent his meessengers because they are humain being like us, so we can understand them and follow their message, and follow the devine word, to know about what god said to his messengers, then you need to return back to him and he will guide you.
Sheldon Cooper
Then who created God? He can't say that he created himself because before his existance there was nothing and
nothing can't become aware to create something from nothing. The problem you describe with mankinds creation is just transfered to Gods existance. Besides, quantum physics has proven that twin particels create themselves from nothing, borrowing energy that isn't there to begin with just to colide again and in a burst of energy, repaying what they borrowed. To begin with, universe itself could have done that but instead of recolliding the the exisance got trapped in infaltion. So particles do actually create themselves from nothiong, so why could we not have the same heritage to begin with? And why would God not, if he exists, have the same origin. The solution of Gods creation is just as applicable to the universe existance so when it all comes down to what's possible and what's not we're none the wiser about how things really are.
A difference between the two of us is that I speak of possibilities, even possibilities that I myself do not believe, while you try to push your own beliefs onto others.